Should you receive an error message, here are a few things you can check:
- We only support the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
- Make sure to submit your details properly and don’t leave spaces between the numbers.
- Double-check that you submitted the 3-digit CVV code on your credit card correctly.
- Is there enough credit available for your chosen subscription? Please bear in mind that all subscriptions are debited in one lump sum, and not monthly installments.
- Is the credit card you are using still valid? Make sure it hasn't expired or been deactivated.
- Has your bank authorized the payment? Contact your bank or credit card provider to see if the transaction has been prevented.
If the payment is still not going through, despite the above checks, please contact our Customer Care team.
For security reasons, please do not provide us with your credit card details as we are not able to process the payment for you!