To edit the information on your profile that other members see, please click on your photo thumbnail in the top right of any page, when accessing the site from a computer. Click on My Profile and then Edit Profile.
- Display Name
Begin typing in the Display Name field. Your changes are automatically saved and submitted for approval.
Please note that a Personalized Display name is necessary to be included in Browse results and as a match for other members.
- About You
Click on the About You field and a text box will pop up. Enter your desired text and click on Save Changes. Your changes will then be submitted for approval.
- Height
To change the height listed on your profile, click and drag the sliding circle. Move the circle to the correct height; slide left for shorter heights and right for taller heights. When the correct height is shown, un-click and your selection will be saved.
- Questions and Answers
Please note that once a selection is made in the Question and Answer section it cannot show as blank again, with the exception of the Occupation and College entries. You can certainly change your selection from the options presented, but it cannot be removed.
In order to choose a response to the question and answer entries with a down arrow, please click on the down arrow and make the appropriate selection.
For the Occupation and College entries, enter the desired text and it will be saved and submitted for approval.
To choose a location for the Grew Up In entry, please begin typing the desired location and make your selection from the drop-down box.
The Search Interests field is updated by clicking on the "+". Click on the desired selections to highlight them, and then click on Done. Your selections will now appear on your profile.
Please keep in mind that changes are reviewed prior to posting. Please allow up to 48 hours for approval. Your entry will appear with a green pending note until approval. If your entry is rejected an email will be sent to your personal email address, and a note in red text will appear in the field to notify you.